Kristi Muldoon Stevens Kristi Muldoon Stevens

From RN to Realtor

I am a realtor with unique skills and a level of trust you cannot find anywhere else. My background as a nurse makes me the realtor for you.

I am a realtor with unique skills and a level of trust you cannot find anywhere else. My background as a nurse makes me the realtor for you.

 After I graduated from the University of Florida with a bachelor’s degree, I investigated my career options and could not find a match. I used a weekend away with family and friends as a break from the job search. That weekend, a conversation with my mom and a friend who was working as a nurse changed the trajectory of my career search. We talked about what I was looking for in a career and the talents and skills I already had. We made a list of my top priorities and skills: I am calm under pressure, love working with people and helping them, and need to be consistently challenged. These skills translated perfectly to nursing.

Nursing school was a great fit. I grew not only in my nursing skills, but also as a person. I discovered new skills and learned how to apply my natural talents in new ways. I quickly found I have a talent for having extremely tough conversations with people in the biggest moments of their lives. I walked the tightrope of compassion and reason well.

Eight months after I started my first job as a nurse, the pandemic hit and everything in the world, especially the hospital, changed. Throughout the pandemic, I continued to use my skills to help patients in the ICU, including the Covid ICU. I witnessed countless tragedies and countless miracles, maintaining composure to provide the best outcome for every person in my care. In the ICU, I saw people survive, but they were discharged before I was able to see them thrive. I was on a conveyor belt of helping these patients and never saw the happy ending. Something needed to change.

I thought of the priorities and talents from my original career conversation years before, and the skills I added to it. I could still, even in the face of adversity, withstand stress, meet deadlines, and fulfill tasks with poise. I was still a voice of reason while navigating emotions when making decisions that require logic and thoughtfulness. I still loved helping people.

Being a successful real estate agent requires all these skills. I have discussed the course of action with doctors and nurses during a code blue situation, and I can negotiate a real estate deal under any kind of pressure. I have navigated and supported people through the most important and worst moments of their lives, and I can navigate and support people through the most important and best moments of their lives, such as buying a house. I can creatively problem solve in any unique situation in the hospital, and I can continue to do that outside of the hospital. I can help guide clients through their home buying journey and lead them to the end, being a homeowner.

Being a nurse has been like wearing a badge of honor, and I will always be proud to be a nurse. Many people have trusted me and my skills with their lives. I am going to take the level of trust and dedication to helping people, and bring it to real estate with Finnell Lee Homes at TTR Sotheby’s International Realty.

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